Episode 127 of Key Frames, a podcast about anime. I'm sure everyone's experienced it: some of your friends happen to throw a party or something while you're out of town, and when you get back you realize that they seem to have had so much fun without you that you can't help but... I don't know, question yourself? "Am I the problem?" you wonder. "Is my constant fixation on production pedigree and overintellectualized themes dragging down the conversation, rather than elevating it? Would everyone be better off without me?" Well, Ben doesn't feel that way at all, on the first mainline Key Frames episode that he's not on. Andy, Duncan, and Jeff handle the task of running down the list of anime from the summer 2023 season just fine! Except for that "cheesy chips" bit.
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (1:26)
Helck (12:44)
Tis Time for "Torture," Princess (manga) (14:48)
Jujutsu Kaisen 2nd Season (19:23)
My Happy Marriage (28:05)
Fruits Basket (2019) (31:22)
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation II (38:40)
Rent-a-Girlfriend 3rd Season (52:31)
Baki Hanma Season 2 (1:01:32)
Undead Murder Farce (1:11:42)
The First Slam Dunk (1:24:31)
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What's the deal with the hot spring that appears inĀ Zom 100?