One comment on “138 - Our Nightmare Continues

  1. Regarding It's MyGO!!!!!, I suspect at this stage you may need to either concede you're not going to finish it, or you'll need to start over and bang through all 13 episode in short order.

    One advantage Girls Band Cry had is how many episodes it devoted to three core characters before integrating Rupa and Tomo. In contrast, MyGO opens with the dissolution of CRYCHIC, adds a new character (Anon) who doesn't know anyone else, and expects you to keep track of all of them (plus Raana, who none of them know) from the beginning, without providing any clear answers as to who these character are, what's eating them, and why some are being total bitches for no apparent reason.

    It's a lot to keep track of, even without a prolonged break. There's a lot of nuance and detail that deserve attention. It's no wonder the first three episodes came out simultaneously. (Thankfully, knowing anything from the rest of the BanG Dream! franchise is not a prerequisite.)

    However, if you do manage to marathon It's MyGO!!!!! by the end of December, you'll at least be well poised to launch into its upcoming sequel/spinoff Ave Mujica which begins January 2nd. Every MyGO fan is STOKED about Ave Mujica for reasons that should probably remain masked for spoiler-type reasons.

    Alternatively, if you do throw in the towel, I can at least recommend these two videos:

    They elaborate on It's MyGO!!!!! with a lot more (spoiler-heavy) detail than what I offered across two (mostly spoiler-free) blog posts:

    Okay, technically three.

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